General Information
Access to Facilities
The gates to the showground and racecourse will open on Expo Thursday for campers, horses and competitors.
Coonabarabran Showground is located on the Newell Highway. It is two blocks from the main business centre, within walking distance of most
amenities. All events are held at the Showground unless otherwise indicated. The cross country course is situated between the Showground and
There are excellent amenities and facilities for camping and stabling. The Racecourse is an easy five
minute ride and one minute drive from the Showground. The Racecourse will be linked to the showground by PA system and radio. Combined
Training, Monday Dressage and Hacking competitions will be held at the Racecourse.
There are stables and yards at both venues.
The North West Equestrian Expo is an incorporated body with a $20 million public liability policy.
The Expo is conducted independently of the DET and Catholic and Independent Education systems.
Volunteers, committee members, stewards and officials are covered under a voluntary worker’s
Under no circumstances can anyone other than the nominated competitor ride horse/s during the event, with the sole exception of umpires and
mounted stewards. For the purpose of this rule and any other regulation “The Event” is from 9.00am Friday 30 May until the
completion of the Grand Parade on Tuesday 3 June 2025.
Personal Accident Cover
North West Equestrian Expo Inc. does not seek to offer any individual insurance cover for injury to competitors at the Event.
It is the responsibility of competitors to provide their own personal injury insurance if so desired; this includes Private Health
Insurance, Medical and Ambulance cover. Check with your school if they have Ambulance cover as most do.
All enquiries should be directed via email to:
Please include student’s name and school in all the subject line of all enquiries.
Further Information
Visit the Expo website for further information and regular updates:
and North West Equestrian Expo facebook page
Stabling Queries
All stabling queries should be directed in the first instance via email to:
All entries and payment via Nominate.
Schools must register their Team Manager before individual entries can be accepted.
No entries after the closing date or earlier if the Event is fully subscribed.
Take note of the closing date as no late entries will be accepted.
Horse Feed & Bedding
Please pre-order your horse feed and bedding. Contact details of local suppliers are listed and they will deliver to the site during the
event. See the website closer to the event for product lists.
Coona Vet Clinic 02 6842 1251
(also dog boarding by prior arrangement)
There will be an on-site vet for emergency treatment. All costs at rider’s expense
Stockfeed Suppliers
Please pre-order
Pursehouse Rural: 02 6849 2330
Elders Coonabarabran: 02 6842 1648
Rules and Regulations
Only Secondary school students (years 7 to 12) may compete at the North West Equestrian Expo. The age of competitors will be their
age on the first day of competition being the Friday of the Event.
In the event of Expo being oversubscribed the Committee reserve the right to limit entries by restricting the entries of large
schools . The Expo committee reserve the right to refuse any entry without reason.
3. Maximum of two (2) horses per rider, and only one (1) horse per discipline (Eventing and Combined Training are considered the same
discipline). No rider is to compete on more that two horses under any circumstances for the duration of the event. No horse can be ridden
by more than one rider for the duration of the event. Any competitor found abusing these rules will be immediately eliminated.
- All competitors must wear a safety helmet approved by NSW Pony Club or Equestrian Australia (EA).
On completion of the Ring Events on Tuesday there will be a Mounted Presentation and Grand Parade at approximately 2.30 pm.
Schools are encouraged to parade behind their school banner. Trophy rugs are not to be worn in the final parade.
The uniform of the day will be cream/white jodhpurs or cream/white stockman cut trousers, approved smooth soled riding boots,
approved safety helmet, school shirt, jumper and tie. Riders wearing coats will not be permitted in the ring. School colour polo shirts or
rugby jumpers are permitted in Cross Country, Sporting, Showjumping and Polocrosse. Denim jeans are not to be worn in any event. Dogger
boots are permitted in Polocrosse, Sporting, Team Penning, Warrumbungles Way and Combined Training 1-Div A.
- Leather gaiters or long boots (not suede chapettes) may be worn by any competitor in all events.
- All riders must wear a completed medical armband for the duration of the event.
The Expo committee in consultation with the on-site vet reserve the right to vet out any horse they deem unfit or unable to compete
safely at any stage in any event. Any ill treatment of horses will incur instant elimination. 10.
- No stallions will be permitted on the grounds. 11.
The Expo Committee reserves the right to test any horse for performance enhancing drugs during any event at any time. It is a
condition of entry that riders consent to the testing of a horse during competition. 12.
Stewards will marshal riders to their events and reserve the right to stand down any rider found to have unsafe or inappropriate
gear; or horse/rider combination not safe to compete in the event. 13.
Refund Policy. Please read carefully. It is your responsibility to forward your vet or medical certificate where applicable.
a. Prior to the closing date a $50.00 administration fee will be charged and the balance of the nomination fee and stabling/yard fee
b. After the closing date a $50.00 administration fee will be charged and the balance of the nomination fee refunded on receipt of a
medical or veterinary certificate – point e. regarding refunds on stables/yards applies;
c. After the closing date the nomination fee will be forfeited if no medical or veterinary certificate is received;
d. Notification of scratchings must be made by email to and a refund will be made via the credit card used for
payment. If vet or medical certificate is required this should be scanned and sent to
e. There will be no refunds on yards or stables after 17 May;
f. There will be no refunds on caps, vests or hoodies;
g. No refund claims will be paid after 30 June each year.
Event cancellation policy. Should it be necessary to cancel the event for whatever reason:
a. There will be no refund on ordered jackets, vests or hoodies
b. 20% of the nomination fee will be withheld to cover administration
c. Refunds on stables and yards will be in accordance with the refund policies of the Showground Trust, Jockey Club and Southern Cross
Yards 4
Ambulance cover is the responsibility of individuals and their schools. There will be on-site paramedics, and a doctor will be
present during the cross country phase of the Eventing.
All power cords and extension sets must have a current in-date test tag displayed with the details of the testing officer displayed
on the tag. Power leads must not be laid on vehicle or horse access routes unless they are suitably protected, i.e. covered with rubber
matting. Anyone found not adhering to these rules will not be allowed to plug into the main power on the Showground and Racecourse.
- Lunging of horses is permitted only in designated areas at designated times. Time and place TBA.
No dogs are permitted on the grounds at any time. This is a condition of hiring the venues and this will be strictly enforced. See
contact details for local boarding kennels.
No pushbikes or scooters are permitted on the grounds at any time except can be used during the Expo Pentathlon for competition but
at no other time during the event.
Vehicles on the grounds are only to be driven by licensed drivers according to the conditions on their driver’s licence.
- The Expo committee reserves the right to alter or delete from the program at their discretion.
If a horse is so severely injured that on veterinary advice it has to be destroyed the following protocol will apply:
a. If the owner is present their agreement will be obtained by the official veterinary surgeon
b. If the owner is not present the Team Manager as an authorised person may give permission on behalf of the owner
c. If both the owner and Team Manager are not present the Crisis Management Team can authorise the destruction of the horse.
Stock whips are only to be used during specified events namely Working Horse Challenge, Time Trial and Warrumbungle’s Way.
- People using the Racecourse are requested to keep the gate shut after dark.
No riding of horses after dark unless competing in an event. No riding of horses without a bridle and saddle unless required in
competition. No riding of horses that are wearing rugs.
In the spirit of interschool competition, no parent, team manager or instructor will coach riders inside the main arena or in the
sporting arena at any time (except in the showjumping practice arena). This rule will be strictly enforced and may result in the
elimination of the rider from the whole Expo event.
By entering this event you give your consent to North West Equestrian Expo Inc to copy or reproduce images of yourself without
acknowledgement of yourself and without your entitlement to any remuneration or compensation now or in the future. The images may be used
by Expo in multimedia productions, publications, brochures and on the website to promote a range of initiatives.
- No drones
Team Manager - Responsibilities
Team Managers must be one of the following:
a. Qualified instructor
b. Teacher with an equestrian background
c. Qualified parent/community member who also acts as Team Manager
d. Teacher/parent to accompany competitors and act as Team Manager with support from the Expo Committee to carry out necessary checks
e. Schools with a small number of riders may share a Team Manager
All Team Managers must be approved by their school Principal. All Team Managers must have a Working With Children Check (WWCC)
clearance. All nominations must be approved by the Team Manager appointed by that school. Team Managers in the first instance to register
online on the Expo website prior to any entries being accepted for their competitors.
Team Managers will be asked to complete and sign a “Confirmation of competitors’ grades, age and school attendance”, in order for
school entries to be accepted.
While students are not competing they are the sole responsibility of their Team Manager. Team Managers owe a duty of care to their
students and are responsible for the supervision and behaviour of students at all times. Team Managers are totally responsible for the
conduct of their riders.
Stewards will marshal riders to their events and reserve the right to stand down any rider whose conduct is inappropriate.
Team Managers should ensure that their riders’ equipment is such that it will pass a Pony Club SAFETY inspection or the student will
not be permitted to compete. Refer to the Pony Club rulebook “The Blue Book”. Team Managers are totally responsible for checking the
suitability and safety of their rider's gear ie. approved safety helmet, irons (10mm each side of boot), sound stitching of reins, stirrup
leathers and girths.
It is the Team Manager’s responsibility to ensure completed medical armbands are worn by competitors during events and when
exercising horses.
It is the Team Manger's responsibility to ensure that all students are nominated in their correct grades for the One Day Event,
Showjumping and Combined Training. Team Managers should verify the integrity of all paperwork, and confirm on the online “Confirmation of
competitors grades” form prior to the event.
It is the Team Manager’s responsibility to fill in details of all school volunteers who assist in any way on the form provided and
hand it into the Secretary’s Office prior to departure.
Queries in all disciplines can be addressed by completing a "Event Competitor Query Form" available from the Secretary's
Disputes and protests - the Team Manager must present appeals in writing as soon as is practicable after results being posted,
together with a fee of $50.00 (refunded only if the protest is upheld), to the Secretary's Office. The dispute will referred to the
appropriate Head Steward and dispute committee. When the dispute has been answered the Team Manager will be called to the Secretary's
Office to receive a reply. The committee's decision is final. The Team Manager is the only person to attend the Secretary's Office for any
information, results, complaints, queries, etc. of any nature during the Expo event. Information will not be given to the competitor,
parent or guardian.
Each rider will be allocated a competitor number for Expo, and will be required to have their own number holder. Bridle numbers may
be used for Showjumping, Hacking And Gymkhana. School's Team Managers will be responsible for printing off competitor's numbers and making
sure riders have the correct back/bridle number. Numbers are to be worn in all events with the exception of Polocrosse, Team Barrel and
all events on Tuesday.
Team Managers can collect their folders, timetable and other information from the Secretary’s Office from 10.30 am on Friday.
The Team Managers meeting will be held at the Coonabarabran Bowling Club at 5.30pm on the Friday. All Expo committee members and head
stewards will be present to clarify any issues prior to the event.
Trophies and Major Awards
Trophies to be presented at the grand parade on Tuesday. Riders must be mounted.
"Salmonidae (Mackie) ODE Trophy" is awarded to the highest scoring team of 3 students from the same school in the One Day Event.
Based on the top 10 placings in each grade with Two Star Grade being the highest points, followed by One Star, EvA95, EvA80 and EvA60
Team Six-Bar shield is awarded to the highest placed school team (all riders being from the same school) in the Team Six-Bar
- “The Gower Family Perpetual Trophy” is awarded to the champion School Team of Four Riders.
- There will be a trophy awarded to the best presented large school and best presented small school in the Grand Parade.
- Age Championships and Runners–up for both boys and girls will be awarded based on overall point score for the four days.
“Poole Family Perpetual Shield” will be presented to the school with the highest score, calculated by adding the four highest individual
total scores over the four days of competition.
“The Coonabarabran High School Perpetual Trophy” will be presented to the highest individual point scorer over the four days of
“The Team Dressage Trophy” is awarded to the best performed school team of three riders in the Monday Dressage competition.
- “The Keronga Sporting Trophy” for the four riders from one school who score the most points in the sporting events.
“The Bob Fenwick School's Team Barrel Trophy” is awarded to the team of three riders from the one school with the fastest combined time for
the event. This award includes trophy rugs for each team member.
“Terry McGoldrick Trophy” recognises the achievements of riders successful in events including Combined Training Class 1, Warrumbungle’s
Way, Polocrosse and Working Horse Challenge.
- “Hirst Family Trophy” is awarded to the winning polocrosse team in the A Grade Final.