Expo Gymkhana & Team Hunt

Expo Gymkhana & Team Hunt

Head Steward: Jenny Smith & Harriet Heathcote

TUESDAY - commencing 8.00 am in the Jumping arena


  1. Riders who nominate for Expo Gymkhana and Team Hunt cannot compete in Team Penning or individual hacking events but may compete in the School Team of Four event.
  2. Placings awarded to 5th in each event and sashes for Team Hunt and rugs for the winners.
  3. Program available to download with ring details from Sunday evening. 
  4. Team Hunt will be included in the point score.


Any age


Mount suited to Expo in age groups: 12 years and under, 13 years, 14 years, 15 years, 16 years, and 17 years and over.  Finalists will be required to:

  • Jump a 50cm jump
  • Canter around barrels
  • Bounce polocrosse ball
  • Crack a stock whip


Bareback rider class  in age groups: 12 years and under, 13 years, 14 years, 15 years, 16 years, and 17 years and over


The pattern will be available on the Expo website at a later date.
Team Hunt Rules
a. Four riders either from the one school or a composite team
b. There are four obstacles set at 45cm in height
c. Riders present to the judge as a section then in single file jump obstacle 1 and 2 at the trot then at the marker form half sections and jump obstacles 3 and 4 at the trot.
d. At the marker form sections and canter and jump obstacles 1-2-3-4. At the marker halt and salute the judge.