Combined Training

Combined Training

Head Steward: Sophie King and Rosemary Nankivell


The Combined Training competition is open to those competitors who do not wish to compete in the One Day Event. The event will consist of a dressage test followed by a show jumping round. Competitors may only compete in either the Combined Training or the One Day Event - not both. Combined Training competitors entered in classes CT4 and CT5 can compete in the Team Six-Bar competition on Sunday.

CT1, CT2, CT3 will dressage on Saturday and showjump on Sunday. CT4 will dressage on Friday or Saturday, and showjump on Saturday.

CT5 will dressage on Friday afternoon. .

Dressage tests can be downloaded from the following website -
CT1 - Division A Dressage test click here
CT1 - Division B Dressage test click here

There will be 6 classes and riders and team managers are asked to make sure that horse rider combinations are entered in the correct class:
  • CT1 - Division A Dressage test click here / Showjumping 45cm
    This is an Encourager’s Class – no points are awarded in the main pointscore for this class. Riders in this dressage test may have a caller. This is for beginners who do not regularly compete in these events. There are relaxed rules for dressage allowing stockman’s pants and a stock saddle, and also a noseband is not compulsory. If you have previously placed in this event at Expo you are not eligible to compete in this class.
  • CT1 - Division B Dressage test click here / Showjumping 45cm
    Riders in this dressage test may have a caller. Riders with traditional gear (show/dressage saddle). Marks will be awarded for presentation of horse and rider, conformation of mount and overall compatability of horse and rider.
  • CT2 - Dressage test - Eventing Test B 45-60cm 2020 / Showjumping 45cm
    For riders and combinations who are not eligible for CT1 (placed in this event last year) but who do not have a showjumping grading card. Riders must comply with the Combined Training rules set out below.
  • CT3 - Dressage test - Eventing Test B 45&60 2020 / Showjumping 65cm
  • CT4 - Dressage test - Eventing Test B 80 2020 / Showjumping 80cm
    Must have a C Grade showjumping card or a letter from an instructor.
  • CT5 - Dressage test - Eventing Test B 95cm 2020 / Showjumping 95cm
    Riders must have a B Grade or above showjumping card or a letter from an instructor.


  1. Caller only permitted in CT1.
  2. All classes will be dependant on sufficient entries.
  3. The same horse and rider combination must complete both dressage and showjumping phases.
  4. Elimination from one phase results in elimination from the whole competition.
  5. There will be a timed draw for the dressage phase.
  6. Scoring will be as per EA Eventing penalties for Dressage and Showjumping
  7. Relaxed rules for Combined Training does not include the use of Rowel or Willoughby spurs
  8. SADDLERY - DRESSAGE In dressage tests for Combined Training either a cavesson, dropped, crossed or flash noseband must be worn. The bit must be a snaffle bit made in metal, leather, rubber or plastic material. The carrying of a whip is not permitted. A breastplate (without rings) may be used. Martingales, any kind of gadgets (such as bearing, side, running or balance reins etc), any kind of boots or bandages, tongue depressors and any form of blinkers are, under penalty of elimination, strictly forbidden.
  9. SADDLERY - SHOWJUMPING As above but the saddle and bridle may be changed. Whips may be carried; running martingales, bandages and boots are also permissible.