Expo Pentathlon

Expo Pentathlon

Head Steward: Graeme Enks
All tasks will be timetabled for SATURDAY & SUNDAY
Every rider who completes all five phases will be awarded a commemorative medal. Placings to 5th in both junior and senior; boys and girls separate. Rugs for winners in each division including junior and senior.


  • The event will be split into boys and girls (the only event at Expo split this way)
  • This year there will be a junior and senior division for girls and boys:
    Junior division 12, 13 & 14 years
    Senior division 15, 16, 17 & over
  • The five tasks must all be completed and competitors will be ranked in each task to gain an overall winner
  • If a competitor is eliminated in any phase they will no longer take part in the competition • Team Managers, Competitors and their Parent/Guardian must sign off that the competitor is competent at each task
  • Riders in the showjumping (80cm) must have grading cards or a letter from an instructor that they are competent at this level
  • Riders must use the same horse in both equestrian events. No substituting a horse under any circumstances
  • Riders to wear back number during all phases
  • School athletics/sport uniform to be worn where appropriate
  • All tasks will be timetabled for Saturday and Sunday. Presentation Monday night


Not necessarily in order:
  1. Cross Country run at the Racecourse on the main track, on Saturday.
  2. 80cm Topscore showjump on Sunday.
  3. Javelin throwing.
  4. Equitation (judged during showjumping)
  5. Mountain Bike Ride (competitors provide their own bike). This will be individually timed on the back half of the cross country course. Riders can share a bike.