One Day Event (ODE)
Head Stewards: Richard & Shaen Blackman
Cross country jump stewards meeting - time and place to be confirmed at Team Manager's meeting on Friday Afternoon.
Proposed order of events subject to the number of entries in each grade. Please check the website for confirmation of the timetable.
Dressage for Two Star, One Star and EvA95, and some EvA80 – check internet closer to the event.
EvA80 & EvA60 - Dressage Two Star, One Star, EvA95 & EvA80 grades -Showjumping & Cross Country Some Divisions EvA60 Showjumping (check website closer to event)
EvA60 Showjumping, 8.00am Start
EvA60 Cross Country, 9.00am Start
Dressage tests as follows:
Grade -- Dressage Test
Two Star -- tba
One Star -- tba
EvA95cm -- Eventing Test B 95cm 2020
EvA80cm -- Eventing Test B 80cm 2020
EvA65cm -- Eventing Test B 45&60 2020
Riders nominated for EvA95 grade and above must meet MER for eventing. All nominations will be forwarded to Eventing NSW for
verification. Pony Club results can be included.
Dressage tests can be downloaded from the following website -
Cross Country maps will be available on Friday for downloading when the course is open for walking - at approximately 3.30pm on
Team Managers must sign off on competitors entering the correct grade for the experience of horse and rider (see rule 7 Team Managers
–Responsibilities, Rules & Regulations)
- Riders who have never competed in an ODE are only eligible to compete in the Combined Training competition.
- Competitors must wear a body protector for the cross country phase (EA rule).
- The Cross Country course will be closed three weeks prior to the Saturday event.
- Optimum time will apply to all grades.
- Watches can be worn in all grades.
It is dangerous riding and contrary to the welfare of the horse to go too fast early on the course and then slow down or circle near
the end of the course. Riders doing this will incur 25 penalty points.
All riders will showjump before cross country – riders eliminated in showjumping for any reason will not compete in the cross
country phase without first obtaining approval from the Technical Delegate.
- The 4 stop rule will apply on the Cross Country. This means a rider will be called off after four stops.
- Leather gaiters or long boots may be worn, not suede chapettes.
- Stock Saddles cannot be used in Showjumping or the cross country phase of eventing.