Head Steward: Kylie Deshon
Entry by Team Manager on teams nomination form before closing date.
Rounds will commence at the completion of the Eventing dressage in the main arena on Saturday afternoon. Finals will commence at the
completion of the Eventing cross country on the Sunday. All teams are to assemble outside the main arena in sections for a gear check. A
draw will be available to download on Friday afternoon.
- This division will be divided into A, B and possibly C grades for the finals.
- We encourage schools with experienced polocrosse players to enter a team in this division.
- For school teams with players who are registered members of Polocrosse Association of NSW or are experienced players.
- This division will be run in a seeded draw. Depending on numbers it may be split into grades.
If time permits, this division will be run as a round robin competition otherwise it will revert to a knockout. The Decision on format
will be at the discretion of the Head Steward.
- Teams wishing to enter this division must enter by the closing date on the teams nomination form submitted by the Team Manager.
Teams formed using players from more than one school will be referred to as Composite Teams. Refer to the Point Score table for
clarification of allocation of points.
- For teams with limited experience looking for the opportunity to play the game against players of similar abilities.
- Teams wishing to enter this division must enter by the closing date on the teams nomination form submitted by the Team Manager.
- Competition will be in sections (ie. three riders)
- In the event of a nil-all draw in Division 2, both teams will be eliminated.
- In the event of a nil-all draw in Division 1 (applies to knockout) a golden chukka will be played.
- Entry by Team Manager on teams nomination form prior to event.
- This event will be run under Polocrosse Association of NSW rules.
- Players are not allowed to double-up in other sections/teams.
- Spurs - only Pony Club sporting / polocrosse spurs allowed. No other spurs are allowed whether taped or not.
- Breastplate, bandages and bell boots are to be worn. Bandages allowed - velcro attachments and buckles.
- No rings allowed.
- All riders must wear either a polocrosse faceguard on their helmet or a mouth guard.