Ring Events
Head Steward: Lisa Moody
A program of events order is available
- Leather Gaiters are allowed in all ring events.
- Hacking Canes with a flapper are permitted.
- Curb chains do not have to be covered.
RIDER CLASSES – every rider class will have a champion and reserve champion. The first place getter in each age will be awarded champion
and receive a rug. The second place getter will receive a reserve champion rosette. • Show Hunters cannot compete in Open classes and vice
RIDING IN PAIRS – being two horses, any size and two riders, any age, any gender. Riders do not have to be from the same school however
school pairs are encouraged where possible.
TEAM OF FOUR Being four horses, any size, and four riders any age, any gender. They do not have to be from the same school however school
teams are encouraged where possible. This will be held at the Showground in the main arena.
CHAMPION TEAM OF FOUR Eligible teams must be from the same school. The highest placed team in each ring from the same school will be
eligible to ride off for champion. If a composite team places over a school team, then the next highest placed school team will be
eligible to compete for the Champion Team of Four. To be held after the completion of the Team of Four events under all of the judges at
the Showground in the main arena.
Riders in Team Penning are only eligible for School Team of Four. Riders must ride the same horse in School Team of Four as they competed
on in Team Penning.
- Ribbons/rosettes won at Expo can be worn in the mounted parade and presentation but not rugs.
- Riders in Team Penning and Expo Gymkhana only eligible for Expo Team of Four.
On completion of the Ring Events there will be a Mounted Presentation and Grand Parade at approximately 2.30 pm. Schools are encouraged to
parade behind their school banner.