Team Manager - Responsibilities, Rules & Regulations
Team Managers must be one of the following:
- Qualified instructor
- Teacher with an equestrian background
- Qualified parent/community member who also acts as Team Manager
- Teacher/parent to accompany competitors and act as Team Manager with support from the Expo Committee to carry out necessary checks
- Schools with a small number of riders may share a Team Manager - All Team Managers must be approved by their school Principal. All Team Managers must have a Working With Children Check (WWCC) clearance. All nominations must be approved by the Team Manager appointed by that school. Team Managers in the first instance to register online via Nominate prior to any entries being accepted for their competitors.
- Team Managers will be asked to complete and sign a “Confirmation of competitors’ grades, age and school attendance”, in order for school entries to be accepted.
- While students are not competing they are the sole responsibility of their Team Manager. Team Managers owe a duty of care to their students and are responsible for the supervision and behaviour of students at all times. Team Managers are totally responsible for the conduct of their riders.
- Stewards will marshal riders to their events and reserve the right to stand down any rider whose conduct is inappropriate.
- Team Managers should ensure that their riders’ equipment is such that it will pass a Pony Club SAFETY inspection or the student will not be permitted to compete. Refer to the Pony Club rulebook “The Blue Book”. Team Managers are totally responsible for checking the suitability and safety of their rider's gear ie. approved safety helmet, irons (10mm each side of boot), sound stitching of reins, stirrup leathers and girths.
- It is the Team Manager’s responsibility to ensure completed medical armbands are worn by competitors during events and when exercising horses.
- It is the Team Manger's responsibility to ensure that all students are nominated in their correct grades for the One Day Event, Showjumping and Combined Training. Team Managers should verify the integrity of all paperwork, and confirm on the online “Confirmation of competitors grades” form prior to the event.
- It is the Team Manager’s responsibility to fill in details of all school volunteers who assist in any way on the form provided and hand it into the Secretary’s Office prior to departure.
- Queries in all disciplines can be addressed by completing a "Event Competitor Query Form" available from the Secretary's Office.
- Disputes and protests - the Team Manager must present appeals in writing as soon as is practicable after results being posted, together with a fee of $50.00 (refunded only if the protest is upheld), to the Secretary's Office. The dispute will referred to the appropriate Head Steward and dispute committee. When the dispute has been answered the Team Manager will be called to the Secretary's Office to receive a reply. The committee's decision is final. The Team Manager is the only person to attend the Secretary's Office for any information, results, complaints, queries, etc. of any nature during the Expo event. Information will not be given to the competitor, parent or guardian.
- Each rider will be allocated a competitor number for Expo, and will be required to have their own number holder. Bridle numbers may be used for Dressage, Showjumping, Hacking And Gymkhana. School's Team Managers will be responsible for printing off competitor's numbers and making sure riders have the correct back/bridle number. Numbers are to be worn in all events with the exception of Polocrosse, Team Barrel and all events on Tuesday.
- Team Managers can collect their folders, timetable and other information from the Secretary’s Office from 10.30 am on Friday.
- The Team Managers meeting will be held at the Coonabarabran Bowling Club at 5.30pm on the Friday. All Expo committee members and head stewards will be present to clarify any issues prior to the event.